Monday, March 16, 2009


If any of you have people you work with, or friends, or family, or whoever that may have seen or heard about HBO's episode of "Big Love" on Sunday, the video below is a great explanation of what it is that happens in the temple and why we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hold them so sacred.

For those of you who were not aware, Sunday night's episode features a very detailed portrayal of an endowment session. Featuring the clothing, words, and other sacred themes and actions.

What HBO and Hollywood did was highly upsetting and offensive. It is further proof of the tempest that rages against the Kingdom of Heaven. If you know someone that has questions about the temple because of "Big Love" or some other reason, talk to that person. Do not be embarrassed about our beliefs, our beliefs are God's truth. It is not necessary for them to know all the details after all it is not secret, it is sacred. Take the opportunity to explain to people that it was upsetting to you, that there are things about the temple which are sacred and cannot be explained, but the work performed there is beautiful and commanded. Turn this into an opportunity to help those outside the church to understand and hear your testimony. Open you mouth and share.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Little Help Please

Well it has been forever since I wrote anything on my blog, which considering I had not written much to begin with is probably not a big deal. Anyway, I am in need of a little help.

If you have a few moments head on over to and check out the firm's Web site.

My boss, Mr. Barry Lewin, would like to upgrade and update which is our Web site. The content on the site really is in need of work, so don't worry about reading everything because it is all being changed anyway. What I was hoping you would help me with is the look and feel of the site. The best thing for us would be to know what initial reaction you get, i.e. does it seem like a lawyer Web site, and if so is that a good thing or a bad thing? Also, we are wondering about color and useful information. What would you want to know about the firm and the lawyers at the firm? What information would be helpful as you try to pick one firm over another? These types of answer and anything else you think would be helpful is great.

Your comments can be left here on my blog, or you can email them to me at Thanks for the help.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Falling With Style!

Check out this video my uncle sent me. How cool would that be? Seriously, all of you who are down for a trip to Norway to do this let me know. It might not be actual flying, but as Buzz Lightyear says, it is definitely "falling with style."

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.